
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Lavender Sugar

All summer I've seen several posts on Twitter and Instagram about lavender coffee, and how delicious it is. As a fan of lavender, I've been dying to try it but there isn't a local coffee house that serves it.

This past weekend at the farmer's market there was a lavender booth. The family that owns the lavender farm, Thistledew Farms, were super nice and knowledgable. I ended up buying a small vial of culinary lavender and a big jar of bath salts.

She told me I could just put the lavender in my tea, coffee, and lemonade OR make lavender sugar. I wanted to share the recipe she gave me and a little step by step for anyone who has been wanting to try a little lavender in their drinks or food.

LAVENDER SUGAR RECIPE from Thistledew Farms

DSCN1196Materials needed:

2 cups of sugar

1 tbsp culinary lavender buds

measuring cup/spoon, blender (or food processor, spice grinder), air tight container

DSCN1198Measure out 1/4 cup of sugar and 1 tbsp of Lavender

DSCN1199Look how pretty the lavender buds are!

DSCN1201Put your 1/4 cup of sugar and lavender into your blender (i used a food processor), and blend for about a minute.

DSCN1205Add your lavender mixture to the rest of your sugar in an air tight container.

Allow the mixture to sit for 3 days to allow the lavender to infuse the sugar.

My kitchen smells amazing right now!

If you don't have a lavender farm near you, you can order products straight from the Thistledew Farms website! The small vial of lavender buds that I used is only $2 if you want to try and make your own lavender sugar.

You can learn more about why this family started Thistledew Farms here.

Have you tried lavender coffee? What did you think?

Let me know if you make this sugar, and what you think! I can't wait to try it in my coffee in a few days!


  1. Mmm! I've done vanilla sugar before, but never lavender. This sounds really yummy!!

  2. I'll have to try vanilla sugar this winter, sounds perfect for cocoa and coffee. :)

  3. I frickin' love lavender (you know it's serious 'cause I said frickin'), but I've never had in any food, so now I absolutely want to try this if I ever get the chance. AND I want bath salts now because that just sounds lovely.

  4. The bath salts were awesome, and really helped my old lady aches. Lol. I definitely recommend them! I can't wait to put the sugar in my coffee, and see what all the buzz is about!
