
Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Wear Your Joy Project Week 2

I've been trying to attempt to take a picture of my outfits each day. I've been really proud of myself for actually getting dressed for the most part. If you want to know more about Kelly Rae Robert's Wear Your Joy Project you can check out my post here.

This past Saturday I cut all my hair off! I'm really enjoying it. Now I just need to decide on a color...Right now I'm sticking with a natural color, but I can hear the fun wild colors calling my name already....

If you'd like to play along, leave me a link in the comments I'd love to check out your outfits!


  1. Love when you push your hair back a little and smile a teensy bit. So pretty!!

    1. Also I kinda want that sweater in your last pic! Love oversize sweaters. So comfy! ~H

    2. Thanks! I've been ordering cute clips to wear in my hair. I feel really awkward in front of the camera, but I guess it takes practice. I could use more oversized sweaters in my life :)

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  3. Fun wild colors!!! XD

    I love your outfits! Too cute. It would be fun to dress up every day but I'm stuck with pjs! haha

    1. Thank you! Somedays I just stay in my pjs, but I've been making more of an effort to get dressed these days. Pjs are so comfy though.... :)
